Information for Fall 2024

Welcome to
Wayland School of Music -
your Metrowest option for
exceptional music
instruction since 1997!

Happy new school year! Come join us for the Fall semester, starting Sept 3rd. Private Lesson General Enrollment is now open, and we have exciting new group classes starting this week! 

Fall semester spots are going very fast, and some teachers are already full - please contact us to set up a free intro private lesson now to secure your spot, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to schedule a personal consult about available options.

"WSM provides not only lessons, but concerts for the kids to perform at and guidance for me as a parent for how to help with practice. It's the full package.”
– parent of a student age 8

Are you the parent of a young child just ready for music lessons? Do you already have seasoned young musicians in your family? Are you an adult musician looking to rediscover your instrument?

You've come to the right place! Our mission is to offer outstanding music instruction to all students, from complete beginner to advanced performer, in a warm and supportive environment.

Explore our site to learn about our teaching philosophy, programs and faculty, and then contact us to schedule a free consult or tryout lesson.

Learn about our unique hiring policy and meet our outstanding teachers

"I am very impressed with Wayland School of Music! After just three lessons C__ came home playing piano all by herself, wanting to practice and completely engaged (this was not the case where she was before). We noticed a big difference in the approach to learning music and the quality and experience of teachers, all while making it fun. I feel like it will actually stick now and am so grateful we made the switch!"  ~ Parent of student age 6 


Wayland School of Music Violins

The Wayland School of Music Difference

Wayland School of Music (WSM) instructors are passionate about music, our instruments, teaching and learning! Having already achieved success, we teach because we truly want – and love – to do so. We call this the "Wayland School of Music Difference" and it's the heart of our hiring policy.

Whether you have no experience or plenty, and whatever your musical goals, you'll find an outstanding teacher here who'll support you in achieving them, and also - when you’re ready - encourage you and challenge you to reach for more!