Spring 2024 Group Classes

Registration for winter Early Childhood and Instrumental group classes is now open at Wayland Recreation! 
Please note that REGISTRATION IS NOT CLOSED FOR FEB 3rd GROUP PIANO CLASS - there is a glitch at the WayRec site that should be fixed soon. Meanwhile, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you'd like to join the class!

These classes are offered in partnership with Wayland Recreation, and registration is via the Wayland Recreation website

You do NOT need to be a Wayland resident
to sign up - they are open to all!

After reading the descriptions here, please go to Wayland Rec to register - these classes register via their site only.
At Wayland Rec site, for:
       Early childhood classes - select Preschool Programs, then Winter S.T.E.A.M.
       Instrument-specific classes - select Youth Music, then Winter (piano, guitar) or Spring (violin)

Please note: all Early Childhood classes, and violin class, require the active presence of a parent or caregiver. They are not drop-off classes. 

All classes are at Wayland School of Music, in the Group Space at 310 Boston Post Road, Wayland

Spring Group Classes:

Early Childhood (spring session)

Spring: Mar 1st - Apr 12th
Musical Beginnings, age 0 - 36 months with a caregiver
Musical Explorers, age 3 - 5 with a caregiver 
Instrument Explorers, age 4.5-6 with a caregiver

Young Children's Instrument Classes (spring, full semester)

Small Group Intro to Piano, age 6-7 - starts Feb 3
Small Group Intro to Guitar, age 6-7 - starts Feb 6
Small Group Intro to Violin, age 4.5-6 with a caregiver - starts Mar 1

Early Childhood

Musical Beginnings - Spring Full of Growth!
Give your child the gift of beautiful music right from the start!

Spring 2025 session, 7 weeks: Mar 1 to Apr 12

10:00 - 10:45 am - age 0 - 36 months years with a caregiver

Make music part of everyday life from the start, as you celebrate the cycling seasons with this multi-sensory class!
Children taste the joy of music and movement within the circle of your loving arms, through a fun spring-inspired curriculum that includes "hello” songs, tickling, hiding, drumming, and more). Experience the wonderful world of music together, with activities for sensory and social stimulation that you can enjoy anywhere.

With instructor Ann Carroll Bundy, Early Childhood Faculty, Suzuki Faculty

Class size: minimum 4 child/caregiver pairs, maximum 7 child/caregiver pairs

Fee: $191 per 7-week session.

Location: Wayland School of Music group space, 310 Boston Post Road, Wayland

Musical Explorers - Spring Full of Growth!

 Age-appropriate curriculum teaches the building blocks of musical language

 Musical Explorers kids chat with aliens!

Spring 2025 session, 7 weeks: Mar 1 to Apr 12

9:00 - 9:45 am - age 3 - 5 with a caregiver

Celebrate the cycle of the seasons with simple instruments, rounds, rhymes, fingerplays, and songs from various cultures. Grow the love of music with our fall or winter inspired curriculum, while strengthening auditory and language skills, gross and fine motor skills, and social/emotional development. Begin to understand the components of musical language - beat, rhythm, pitch, harmony, tempo, and dynamics - developing context and confidence for future instrument study.

With instructor Ann Carroll Bundy, Early Childhood Faculty, Suzuki Faculty

Class size: minimum 4 child/caregiver pairs, maximum 7 child/caregiver pairs

Fee: $191 per 7-week session.

Location: Wayland School of Music group space, 310 Boston Post Road, Wayland

Instrument Explorers 
For young children getting ready for instrument lessons, who have outgrown early childhood general classes.

Spring 2025 session, 7 weeks: Mar 1 to Apr 12

11:00 - 11:45 pm - age 4.5 - 6 

Almost ready to start an instrument, but not sure which one? Students will meet piano, violin, viola, cello, flute and guitar, and have a chance to try each one. They will also be exposed to some very basic music theory through hands-on games, singing, and listening activities.
Caregivers will discover how best to support instrument learning in young children.

With instructor Ann Carroll Bundy, Early Childhood Faculty, Suzuki Faculty

Class size: minimum 4 student/caregiver pairs, maximum 7 student/caregiver pairs.

Fee: $227 for 7 week session.

Location: Wayland School of Music group space, 310 Boston Post Road, Wayland

Young Children's Instrument Classes - full semester

Small Group Intro to Piano 

Mondays, Spring 2025 semester, 15 weeks: Feb 3 - June 3  (no class 2/17, 4/21, 5/26) 

5:05 - 5:50 - age 6-7

Want your child to try out the keyboard and learn basic playing and reading skills, but not quite ready to commit to private piano lessons? Get a great start on the piano in this fun, relaxed class designed to engage and inspire!

Students begin with keyboard geography, simple 5-finger songs, rhythms, and beginning chords, in a relaxed setting including singing, movement and games. They’ll learn to play both by ear and by reading music, and to compose their own pieces. 

Includes listening CD and practice CD with tracks for each week, music book, parent book, notation games pack, opportunities for composing, and more. Don’t have a keyboard? We’ll lend you a table-top one to get started (for a returnable deposit) and can advise you on purchase.

With instructor Mia Tsai, Piano Faculty

Location: Wayland School of Music group space, 310 Boston Post Road, Wayland

Small Group Intro to Guitar

Thursdays, Spring 2025 semester, 15 weeks: Feb 6 - May 29  (no class 2/20 and 4/24) 

5:05 - 5:50 - age 6-7

Learn to play the acoustic guitar in a fun class designed to engage and inspire! Students build a sound technical foundation through simple tunes, rhythms, and ensemble playing, in a relaxed setting that includes singing, movement and games.

This class is based on the Suzuki method of music education, which has a 70-year history of success worldwide. Caregivers are encouraged to attend so they can learn to help their child at home.

Includes a loaner acoustic guitar in appropriate size for child, plus book and CD to keep.

With instructor Francesco Barone, Guitar Faculty

Class size: minimum 3 students, maximum 6 students

Fee: $494 for 15-week semester, including a loaner guitar and footstool, plus book and CD to keep.

Location: Wayland School of Music group space, 310 Boston Post Road, Wayland

 Small Group Intro to Violin

Saturdays, Spring 2025 semester, 14 weeks: Mar 1 - June 21 (no class 4/19, 4/26, 5/24) 

1:00 - 1:45 - age 4 - 6 with a caregiver

Think your child is too young to learn violin? Think again! In our upbeat class, students get a great start on violin through creative, playful activities including games, movement and song. This class is based on the Suzuki method of music education, which has a 70-year history of success worldwide.

There’s plenty of individual attention in this small class, and no prior experience needed for child or caregiver - you’ll learn how to help your child. Class fee includes quality rental instrument for class and home use, sized to your child, plus book and CD to keep.

With Instructor Zoe Chau, Violin Faculty

Location: Wayland School of Muisc group space, 310 Boston Post Road, Wayland


Registration for all these classes is at the Wayland Recreation website (but you do NOT need to be a Wayland resident to sign up - they are open to all). Please go to their site, select "Winter Pre-School/Spring Steam" or "Youth Music/Winter (or Spring)", and scroll down the alphabetical list to find your class title as above.