Music for the Community

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Thursday, May 28 2020 00:00

Day 39: Not Jingle Bells; Row, Row, Row your Boat; and......?

Pianist age 6 plays "This is not Jingle Bells" and "Row, Row, Row your Boat"

Well, it does sound at first like it’s going to be Jingle Bells - but then it changes its mind! Can you identify the other tune? And does it come in the right order, or….? 
That first one could be confusing to try and sing along with, but Row, Row, Row Your Boat is pretty straightforward, and you can feel the lilting triple time in “Mer-ri-ly, mer-ri-ly…”, as if you’re on the water.
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream;
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily –
Life is but a dream!
Read 2167 times Last modified on Tuesday, June 23 2020 20:02